-> LSK & Rhianna Gig Photos ->
Here are some photos of Rhianna live @ the Hifi Club, with LSK on
their current UK tour. These were taken on Saturday 5th July 2003.
Click the photos below to enlarge!
out Rob's
site for more photos from the gig!
-> Rhianna Posts Message On Official Forum
Rhianna has been online in her official forum @ www.rhiannamusic.com
and let everyone know what she's been up to! Here's the message
that she left:
Was speaking to my best mat rixxta yesterday and she told me to
get my ass on here and say hi. Been doing lots of gigs with LSK
and will be doing lots more so take a look on his website at LSKOKUK.com
the album is killer.
Been doing some writing too, working with various music bods and
looking forward to bringing a new album out next year. I hope everyone's
well and that any exams have passed without being too much stress-enjoy
the summer everyone, love
Rhianna xxx
-> LSK Forthcoming Tour Dates
LSK feat. Rhianna, will be performing a live gig at the Water
Rats Theatre in Kings Cross, London on Monday
16th June and Thursday
10th July & on Thursday
7th August LSK will be playing at the Jazz Cafe, London.
LSK also releases their second album 'Outlaw' this Monday,
so make sure you get your copy!
-> Appearance In Anotherside's Brand New Video
Check out Rhianna's appearance in Anotherside's
brand new music video 'This Is Your Night'. The group made up of
former Honeyz leadsinger Celena and her cousin, former Kleshay singer,
Alani. The video can be seen on most music channels, and you can
also watch the video right here, right now.... so go spot Rhianna
& make sure you get your hands on a copy of the single when
it's released on Monday 23rd June 2003 ->
Media [Low
Bandwidth Video] / [High
Bandwidth Video]
-> Rhianna On Tour In The UK With LSK!
Rhianna has been touring the UK with her brother Leigh Stephen Kenny,
as he promotes the release of his brand new material. Check out
the photos below taken of Rhianna at some of the gigs ->

More photos from the tour can be found on the official LSK
-> Brand New Album Coming!! ->
Today Rhianna announced on her official message board, that she
is about to start writing and recording her follow up album to 'Get